
Tutorial T701 Make a Vase

Let's make the following vase by TATARA 7.0.

I prepared the background image of the side of the following vase.

Let's make the vase from the following steps.
1) Choose 32x32 of SPHERE by New on the File menu.
2) Make the form of the outside of the vase in ROKURO mode.
3) Make the form inside the vase in ROKURO mode.
4) Choose Save on the Texture menu, save the mesh texture, and make the texture of the vase.
5) Choose Load on the Texture menu and apply the texture of the created vase.
6) Choose Save on the File menu, and maximize and save a sculpt-map file.

TATARA should extend the background image automatically.
So, please delete the margin of the background image.

You can check this tutorial on windows by following video.

TUTORIAL T701 Make a Vase

You can check this tutorial on Mac OS X by following video.

TUTORIAL T701 Make a vase on Mac OS X

Let’s make a vase.

Choose New on the File menu.

In the dialog displayed, choose 32x32 of SPHERE and click the OK. button.

If you select “single prim and multiple prims” of the “You can select” option, you can make multiple prims as one object.

Click the ROKURO tab and change edit mode to ROKURO.

Choose Load Background on the View menu and display the background image.

The editing pane is displayed as follows.
The background image is expanded horizontally.

To edit comfortably, set Edit Level in the bottom of an Edit pane as Middle.

Let's make the outside of the vase in ROKURO mode.
As shown in the following figures, arrange the control point of the segment of the bottom of the vase.

Rearrange the round gray control point in the yellow area of the following figures.  Also when Edit Level is Middle, you can edit these control points.

Next, as shown in the following figures, in order to decide the number of control points required for an inner side, arrange the inner side of the vase temporarily, and arrange the control point of the segment of the edge of the upper part of the vase.

Let's arrange the control point of the outside of a tortoise smoothly using Warp of Edit Mode. Please set the control points vertical and set equal intervals. 
Set Edit Level in the lower left of the edit pane as Near.

Choose all the control points of the yellow area of the following figures.

The control points are chosen as shown in the following figures.

Choose Vertiacal Align on the pop up menu which right-clicks the edit pane. The shortcut key of the keyboard is Ctrl+E.

The edit pane is displayed as follows.

Choose Equal Intervals of the pop up menu which right-clicks an edit pane and is displayed. The shortcut key of a keyboard is Ctrl+D.

The edit pane is displayed as follows.

Set Edit Mode at the lower left of the edit pane as Warp.

Two square control points and two round control points are displayed on the edit pane as follows.

Rearrange the square and round control points so that the control point selected as follows suits the outside of the vase.

Click the OK button under Edit Mode.

Then the selected control points are rearranged  keeping selection.

The preview is displayed as follows.

Set Edit Mode as Normal.

The edit pane is displayed as follows.

Choose Equal Distance on the Edit menu and arrange the control points at equal intervals. There is Equal Distance also in the pop-up menu which right-clicks an editing view and is displayed.
The shortcut key of the keyboard is Shift+Ctrl+D.

Then, control points are rearranged over the side of the vase as follows.

As shown in the following figures, rearrange the control point inside the vase.

Let's use the mesh texture currently displayed by the preview as follows.

Choose Save on the Texture menu (On the far left of the menu bar.), and save the mesh texture.

You can save the following mesh textures. 

You can get the texture corresponding to an aspect rate by this command.

Refer to the preview with the mesh texture and make the texture with your paint tool.

Load on the Texture menu and read into the preview the texture created with the paint tool.

A preview pane is displayed as follows.

If the check of Disp Mesh on the View menu is removed, you can see the preview without the mesh.

Let's check Setup before saving.

Choose Setup of the File menu.

Set TGA Save Size as 64x64 in the displayed dialog.
And let's check the following list items.
-Copy Protection by transparent :When a Prim is modified, you can make it transparent to prevent the texture from being copied by screen capture.
- Auto MaximizeTGA File format :You can maximize a sculpt-map file automatically and save it.

Let's save the sculpt-map file.

Choose Save on the File menu.

Choose TGA File of SaveDialog and save the file.

Let's upload a sculpt-map file to the in-world.

When you upload a sculpt-map file, be sure to choose Upload Image on the File menu.
It costs 10L$ to upload one Sculpt-Map file.

First, upload the texture.

Next, upload the sculpt-map file. Check by preview.

Check Use lossless compression.

Set Building Block Type to Sculpted.

Apply the sculpt-map file to an object.

Apply the texture to an object.

Adjust the size.

The vase was completed.

Original text: http://kanaenet.blogspot.jp/2013/05/t701-1.html
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