Let's make the following flying butterfly using TATARA6.0.
Let's make the following sculpted prims to make flying butterfly.
This form may be applicable to the frill of a skirt, etc.
Let's move the texture by the animation of the script.
Let's make a butterfly from the following steps.
1) Choose 128x8 of TORUS by New on the File menu.
2) Make the donut-like platter in ROKURO mode.
3) Make the state where the feather of the butterfly is going up in ROKURO mode.
4) Make the state where you chose the section which you edit in ROKURO mode, and the feather of the butterfly has fallen.
5) Choose the section which becomes a standard of movement toward the upper and lower sides of feather in ROKURO mode.
6) Smooth on the basis of the section selected by Folder.
7) Maximize and save.
8) Make the texture of a butterfly.
9) Upload a sculpt map file and a texture to the in-world.
10) Apply the uploaded file to an object and add a script.
You can check this tutorial by following video.
Let's make the flying butterfly.
Boot TATARA and select New on the File menu.
On the New dialog, select 128x8 of TORUS and click the OK button.
To rearrange the gray circle control points automatically, set Edit Level at the lower left of the edit pane as Middle.
As shown in the following figure, set Grid on the View menu as 8.
Click the ROKURO tab and change edit mode into ROKURO.
As shown in the following figure, select the eight control points of red area.
Right-click the edit pane and select Horizontal Align on the popup menu. The shortcut of the keyboard is Ctrl+W.
Then, the object becomes flat, and because Edit Level is Middle, the round gray control points are rearranged automatically. Drag the left end control point and make width into the four units for the object.
The edit pane is displayed as shown in the following figure.
Move the one unit of edited objects to the right.
The preview pane is displayed as shown in the following figure.
Let's bend the feather of the butterfly up and down.
As shown in the following figure, select the two control points of the endpoints shown in red area.
As shown in the following figure, rearrange the selected control point up to 2 units.
The preview pane is displayed as shown in the following figure.
Let's make feather downward.
Choose Select None on the Sides menu and make it only the cross-section which had the cross-section which is the target of edit displayed.
Select Custom on the Sides menu.
Check all the "00" and "80" of the list box on the left side of the sides dialog , and click the Close button.
The preview pane is displayed as shown in the following figure. The selected cross-sections are expressed as the red lines.
As shown in the following figure, rearrange the control points of the selected endpoints under 4 units.
Only the control point of the endpoints of the selected cross-section falls.
The preview is displayed as shown in the following figure.
Let's smooth the object by using the cross-section selected using Folder on the Side menu as the key. The Foler function rearranges smoothly the cross-section which is not chosen as the key in the selected cross-section.
To add the cross-section of the key, choose Custom on the Sides menu.
Check all the "40" and "C0" of the list box on the left side of the sides dialog, and click the Close button.
The preview is displayed as shown in the following figure. The selected cross-sections are expressed as the red lines.
Select Folder on the Sides menu.
The preview is displayed as shown in the following figure.
Let's check Setup before saving.
Select Setup on the File menu.
Set TGA Save Size as 64x64 in the displayed dialog.
And let's check the following items.
-Copy Protection by transparent When the prim is modified, you can make it transparent to prevent the texture from being copied by screen capture.
-Auto Maximize The object saved when you save your sculpt map file is maximized automatically.
If you check Auto Rename, overwrite of a sculpt-map file is prevented.
Let's save your sculpt map file in TGA File form.
Select Save on the File menu.
Select TGA File of Save Dialog and save your file.
Let's search the texture of the butterfly with flickr. Access flickr.
Click upper right Search.
Click Advanced Search to look for what can be used as a material.
Check Only Photos of Search by media type, And check Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content and Find content to use commercially and Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon of the creative commons. And input the keyword morpho (morpho butterfly) which is a kind of the butterfly.
I chosed Morpho melenaus of ggallice.
Thank you, Geoff Gallice.
With your graphic Tools, as shown in the following figure, process the image. Set the height of the image to 64px.
Create the background of the butterfly in the same size and make the following images of 1024x128.
The texture was completed.
Let’s upload texture file. It costs 10L$ to upload one texture file.
Select Upload - Image (L$10) on the Build menu.
Select the texture file, and click Upload button after checking by preview.
Let's upload a sculpt-map file to the in-world.
Select Upload - Image (L$10) on the Build menu.
Specify “Preview image as” as Sculpted Prim. And check it by the preview. Check Use lossless compression. And click Upload Button.
In yellow area, the stitch of the object is displayed by Sphere.
Let's apply the sculpt map.
Build the objelct. And click the Object tab and set Building Block Type to Sculpted on Edit floater. And set Stitching Type as Torus.
And apply your uploaded sculpt map.
Stretch your object suitably.
Apply the uploaded texture.
Click the Texture tab. And apply the texture uploaded to the texture of the Texture tab.
The sculpt map and the texture were applied.
Let's add the script for the flying butterfly.
Click the New Script button of the Content tab of edit floater, and add the new script.
Double-click and open New Script and edit as follows.
default {
state_entry() {
llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | LOOP, ALL_SIDES, 1, 1, 1.0, 1, 0.25);
llTargetOmega(<0.0,0.0,0.3>, PI, 1.0);
llSetTextureAnim is the function of the texture animation.
llTargetOmega llTargetOmega is the function which rotates Prim by local.
Click and save the Save button.
The flying butterfly was completed.
Original text: http://kanaenet.blogspot.com/2011/10/t619-1.html
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