I released "TSUBO v1.01". TSUBO is a tool which assembles multiple prims of TATARA. TSUBO can make multiple prims from any textures as long as you have full permissions on them. You can get "TSUBO v1.01" from my shop.
1.Preparation (This work is only once. )
1)Move to a Sandbox, your own parcel or a parcel where rezzing and scripts are allowed.
2)Create your Object. Please select Build Button and Click inworld to build.
3)Drop "TSUBO Child v1.0 Script" into the inventory (Content tab) of the Object you just built or created. The script will begin to run and "TSUBO Child" hovertext is displayed on the object. CAUTION: Don't use CTRL+Drop.
4)Take "TSUBO child v1.01" into your inventory. The name of the object which you took is automatically set to "TSUBO child v1.01".
5)Rez "TSUBO v1.01" (the bottle/flask seen below) and Drop "TSUBO child v1.01." with the inventory(Content tab ) of "TSUBO v1.01".
6)Take the bottle/flask object "TSUBO v1.01" into your inventory. The preparation steps are finished. If done properly these above steps will not need to be repeated.
It is highly recommended that you view the YouTube videos on TSUBO. You can see them here:
Rez your TSUBO object and follow the directions on the hover text. The notecard contains prim coordinates. You can check the details of the assembly step with this article.
Thank you to KJ Georgette for help with this translation.
I released “TSUBO v1.01”. TSUBO is a tool which assembles multiple prims of TATARA. TSUBO can make multiple prims from any textures as long as you have full permissions on them. You can get “TSUBO v1.01” from my shop.
IMPORTANT: Please do the steps in “1.Preparation” first before continuing. The preparations steps are only done once
2.Assemble multiple prims
1)Create a new notecard in Second Life. This card will list the sculpt textures and the coordinates for each one. As you can see below, the format for each line is:
Name of Texture: <x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate>:<x Size, y Size, z Size>:<x Rotation, y Rotation,z Rotation>:Sititching type
2)Copy the text for multiple Prim created by TATARA.
3)Paste it on the note.
4)Save your note. The notecard can be named anything you wish.
5)Upload sculpt map textures. CAUTION: Please don't change the name of textures.
7)Right-click "TSUBO v1.01" and select "Open" fro the pie menu.
Drop the sculpt map textures and the notecard which you made in the steps above. Make sure there is a texture for each entry on the notecard.
Additing textures and notecard to inventory:
Review the contents: One notecard, all sculpt textures, one child object and one TSUBO script. CAUTION: Only use textures on which you have full permissions. The notecard and textures which were dropped are deleted or return automatically after making multiple prims.
8)Touch "TSUBO v1.01"
The object will now assemble sculpted objects made of several sculpt textures.
You can check this step on YouTube here.
Thanks to KJ Georgette for help with this translation.
Let's make the open heart accessories made from TATARA. The following accessories are made using Taurus. I prepared the following background image.
The step which creates open heart accessories is as follows. 1) Edit the section of a ring in ROKURO mode. 2) Read a sketch in MAGE mode and edit a ring using it. An order of a step is important. They cannot be replaced. It is because ROKURO mode performs the right modification automatically only when an object is a solid of revolution. If you would like to adjust after you edit in MAGE mode, you should edit in TSUCHI mode. It is somewhat serious. Choose New-Torus-32x32 on the File menu. Specify None by Grid on the View menu. And specify Middle by Level of Detail on the View menu. Let's flatten an accessories top and the bottom and put two slots into the upper part by ROKURO mode. Choose the range which you want to horizontalize. And right-click an edit pane, display a pop up menu, and select Equal Intervals. The shortcut key is CTRL+D. Then, the specified range becomes at equal intervals and becomes horizontal. As shown in the following figures, edit the bottom similarly. Then, a preview pane is displayed as shown in the following figure. You ended processing of the section. Let's make the form of the open heart. Select the MAGE tab on an edit pane. Select Load Background on the View menu. Read the background image of the following open heart. Then, the edit pane is displayed as follows. As shown in the following figures, arrange square control points. Arrange square control points at the place at which the ring has turned greatly. Arrange a section and a ring perpendicularly. And specify Near by Level of Detail on the View menu. As shown in the following figure, arrange circular gray control points. Arrange so that the whole becomes smooth by preview. Select Save on the File menu and once save it so that you can tune finely later. I recommend saving by a high-resolution OBJ file. And select Maximize on the Edit menu. Choose Setup on the File menu. Set TGA Save Size to 64x64. Check Copy Protection by transparent. Check by the coordinate system of Second Life. And click the OK button. Choose Save on the File menu, and save it as sculpt-map file. Let's upload a sculpt-map file to the in-world. When you upload a sculpt-map file, be sure to choose Upload Image on the File menu. It costs 10L$ to upload one Sculpt-Map file. And check by preview and check Use lossless compression. Yellow area is displayed because Sititching Type is previewed by Sphere. Apply a sculpt-map file to an object and set Sititching Type as Torus. Adjust the size of an object, as shown in the following figures. Set Texture of the Texture tab as Blank and set Shininess as High. Open heart accessory is completed.
*When you compare the accessories made from TATARA with the accessories made from ROKURO Pro, you cannot find a joint in the accessories made from TATARA.